Jade Coast Software, Inc.
Freelance Software Developer


Full Microsoft Stack

Over three decades of Windows development expertise, creating a wide variety of device drivers, libraries, services, and applications for industrial, medical, and consumer markets.   Nearly two decades of Microsoft .NET experience, implementing a diverse range of graphical applications, services, and libraries, built with C#, the .NET Framework, .NET Standard, and .NET Core.

Mobile Applications

Experienced with creating touch-friendly, cloud-connected mobile applications for iOS and Android, built with C# and the Xamarin and MAUI cross-platform toolkits.   Successfully prepared multiple apps for distribution via the Google Play store and the iTunes App Store.


Strong familiarity and experience with Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth 4.0) for desktop and mobile applications.   Designed and implemented the wireless protocol for a hugely popular line of activity trackers for the consumer market.

Windows Embedded

Customized OS configurations for Windows CE and Windows Embedded.   Enhanced board support packages, developed device drivers, and implemented custom libraries and applications for various industrial products.


Implemented security, trust, and authentication features using cryptographic algorithms, X.509 certificates, and web authentication schemes such as Azure Active Directory and Okta.   Familiar with security-related algorithms such as RSA, ECC, SHA, HMAC, and Diffie-Hellman.   Authored Java Card firmware for smart card security tokens based on GlobalPlatform.

Embedded Firmware

Developed firmware that runs on bare-metal systems (no RTOS), including battery-powered hardware where power management is critical.   Created dedicated, multitasking applications for real-time operating systems.

Languages + Tools

C#, Python, C++, C, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XAML, SQL, JSON, XML, Java, REST, Assembly, MAUI, Xamarin, Xamarin.Forms, Bootstrap, Caliburn.Micro, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Microsoft Extensibility Framework (MEF), Reactive Extensions (Rx), Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), Active Template Library (ATL), Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), Windows Driver Development Kit (DDK), Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Platform Builder, GitHub Copilot, Xamarin Studio, Android Studio, GlobalPlatform, Java Card, VxWorks


Jade Coast Software, Inc. is an independent software consulting company that develops custom Microsoft Windows software, embedded software/firmware, security solutions, and cross-platform mobile applications for iOS and Android.

Jade Coast Software is a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist for Windows Embedded Standard, as well as a Microsoft Certified Professional.   Co-inventor on US Patent for a method of over-the-air software upgrades.


Willie Sakai,  President

E-mail:  wsakai@jadecoast.net

Phone:  (858) 442-1770